Friday, May 11, 2012

Stop Smoking Naturally


What Stop Smoking Naturally Isn’t

There are lots of ways to quit smoking. There are few ways to stop smoking naturally. And there are lots of unnatural ways to quit. They can range from taking a mind altering drug to nicotine gum or to just grunting it out cold turkey. We can be hypnotized or we can put herbal drops under our tongue or patches on our arms.

Those methods have all worked to some degree of success. However they all have one downfall. All of those methods do have one thing in common! They are not ways to stop smoking naturally. The Websters Dictionary says naturally means:

1 : by natural character or ability
2 : according to the usual course of things
3 a : without artificial aid b : in a simple and sincere manner
4 : in a lifelike manner

If we are looking for a way to stop smoking naturally it should fit within that definition.

It needs to get rid of more than just the the physical habit. And not use nicotine replacement methods. Nicotine replacement therapies only treat the physical habit.

If you are a smoker you know its not that simple. Left untreated the mental habit will likely come back and wipe out any progress you may have made. The saddest thing in the world to hear is someone who has quit for any length of time (two weeks or more) and still says they have cigarette cravings. It’s sadder yet when they fall back into their old habit.

That is the downfall. Those methods never deal with the mental habit of smoking.

What Is Stop Smoking Naturally

There are ways to stop smoking naturally. By saying quit smoking naturally I mean quit smoking exactly the same way you started . You didn’t jump to a pack a day in the first day. Is it quit smoking naturally to jump down to zero from a pack a day. No it’s not.

The only truly successful way to stop smoking for good and not fall back is to stop smoking naturally. That would be the reverse of how you started. That makes sense doesn’t it. You have heard of many ways to stop smoking that aren’t close to being natural. I have even written some articles here on some of them.

I don’t have space here to explain exactly what I mean to stop smoking naturally by doing the reverse of how you started. So read the paragraph below and take me up on something that will change your life.

I want to give you a way to quit once and for all. I have made a 35 minute webinar on how to stop smoking naturally and not suffer. I will even give you a remarkable tool that will help you. In this webinar I will show you how to create a plan to stop smoking naturally.

These are some simple, common sense ways to stop smoking naturally just the opposite way you started.

These methods work to quit once and for all. Thousands have used to quit without suffering. Get this 35 minute webinar that has helped so many. Just take the survey on the left side of the page. I will send you the webinar at the end of the survey.


The term cold turkey leads an image of the pale, cold, bumpy skin of a turkey with no feathers. That looks similar to the skin of a drug addict in withdrawals. When you stop smoking cold turkey there may more withdrawal symptoms than trying to get off drugs. To go cold turkey is to stop smoking suddenly and completely.

Many smokers are taking in as much as 20 mg of nicotine or more every day. The brains receptors will create a sense of comfort or pleasure when they receive nicotine inhaled through the smoke. When you stop smoking cold turkey your daily nicotine intake goes from 20 mg or more to nothing, the first day.

There will be issues, your body won’t be happy with your decision. Those pleasure receptors will be looking for nicotine. This method takes strong discipline and lots of will power to succeed. Unfortunately there is much more to deal with when you stop smoking cold turkey than just physical symptoms.

Stop Smoking Cold Turkey How Its Done

Usually people just decide to stop smoking cold turkey, it’s an emotional decision. They may be upset at a cost increase in cigarettes or frustrated with being stuck in a habit they don’t want. Either way its not complicated at first. You just throw away your cigarettes and don’t smoke.

Many people will go through bags of hard candy, or chew mountains of gum just to try to satisfy their nicotine cravings . The nicotine will be out of their systems and physical cravings in less than a week. That’s when the interesting aspect of the mental habit comes into play.

The cigarette has been such a important coping method for a very long time. The ex smoker may loose their identity when stop smoking cold turkey and have difficulty coping with daily tasks that were previously done with a cigarette to keep them company.

Stop Smoking Cold Turkey What I like

Well the concept of being just done appeals to me. To walk away from your habit and never look back would be great. To be finished in one quick decision… perfect. Instant freedom is what I want.

However the habit is so extensive and far reaching that to stop smoking cold turkey just won’t get it done. The habit hangs on. The smoking habit is complex.

Stop Smoking Cold Turkey What I don’t like

The biggest thing I dislike is there is an ridiculous failure rate. Less than 10% will succeed. The so called experts like to say you can fail at quitting up to 7 times before you succeed. The problem with that is that every time we try and fail we inoculate ourselves like a flue shot but against quitting.

When we fail and expect we will fail again we might never try again. This is the worst and most painful way to stop. Sadly to stop smoking cold turkey is the most popular way people try to quit.

Stop Smoking Cold Turkey Overall Thoughts

There is no cost, at least in money when you quit this way. However your chance of succeeding is not great. Smoking is a costly habit . You may have to pay a bit of money to find a good quality method to quit.

You need to find a method that addresses all the aspects of smoking. There is a plan I can recommend and it costs less than you spend on a carton of cigarettes now. It’s The Quit Smoking Plan, it has a money back guarantee but so does stop smoking cold turkey.

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